Friday 4 November 2011

Potato and Leek Bake - Green Day!!

2-3 potatos depending on size
1-2 leeks depending on size
1 onion
1 stock cubes
1 courgette (optional)
Spray light.
82g of low fat chedder cheese (optional)

1. Chop leeks and put in pan along with enough water to cover and 1-2 stock cubes.
2. Chop onion and brown in frying pan with spray light, then add onions to leek and water.
3. Peel potato's and slice thinly, approx half a cm each slice. Spray dish and place potato slices in bottom.
4. When leeks are cooked enough for your taste, drain but keep the liquid. Add half of the leek/onion mixture to the top of the potato's.
5. Slice courgette into thin slices and layer over the leeks. Add the rest of the leeks and pour liquid from pan so its approx half full.
6. Add more chopped potato to the top and then spray with spray light.
7. Add to oven and cook at 180 for approx 30 mins or until you feel satisfied that its cooked. Add cheese (half of this is a Healthy Extra A) and put back in til melted.
8. Serve with baked beans or accompanying veg.

0 Syns on green or extra easy, 1 healthy extra A if cheese is used.

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